Posted 05.30.12 by BrentJS

Despite how many sci-fi TV shows and movies there have been, very few of them have generated memorable spaceships. That most casual moviegoers can identify the Millenium Falcon from Star Wars and the USS Enterprise from Star Trek but only cinephiles will remember the Valley Forge from Silent Running or the USS Cygnus from The Black Hole is a testament to just how difficult they must be to design.

Why “spaceships are very hard not to make cliché” is the topic of the latest featurette promoting the upcoming Prometheus. Director Ridley Scott, writer Damon Lindelof (Cowboys and Aliens), and two-time Academy Award–nominated production designer Arthur Max (Gladiator) also explain how insect anatomy inspired the look of the USCSS Prometheus.

For more information about USCSS Prometheus, check out some schematics and then take a tour of the ship.

Prometheus stars Noomi Rapace as Elizabeth Shaw, Charlize Theron as Meredith Vickers, Idris Elba as Captain Janek, Michael Fassbender as the android David, Sean Harris as Fifield, Rafe Spall as Milburn, Logan Marshall-Green as Charlie Holloway, Guy Pearce as Peter Weyland, Kate Dickie as Mudow, and Patrick Wilson as Shaw’s father. Prometheus opens nationwide on June 8th.

Prometheus Photos (33)



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